Breakout R&B Artist Anthony Ryan crashes on the scene with his new single LMLY (Interview)

Anthony Ryan is back with his newest single “LMLY”. This song encompasses the sound of smooth R&B with a new school bounce. Anthony Ryan’s message is catered to the hearts of those that deserve better in a relationship and encourages you to desire more in your love life. We caught up with Anthony in an exclusive interview.

Check it out below.

IR: What inspired you to start music?

AR: I played multiple instruments in a Church band as a kid, and was always captivated by what we created. The tipping point that piqued my interest was hearing my older brother’s song he recorded with some friends. I was probably 12-13 years old. At that point, I too wanted to experiment with writing my own music

IR: If you weren’t doing music what other career do you see yourself doing?

AR: I would be doing what I also do currently, working for Sony in sales and marketing lol.

IR: What do fans of yours have to look forward to in the near future, are there any surprises to come?

AR: In the near future we have an EP that we will be releasing. You can also keep watch for music videos, vlogs, contests, etc. that are soon to come.

IR: When you’re working, what inspires you or what do you draw inspiration from?

AR: A lot of my music stems from my own personal experience, and through conversations and interactions I have with others. This allows my music to be authentic and relatable to the listener.

IR: Is there any advice you would like to give your younger self for coming into the music industry or something to help the songwriting/producing process?

AR: I would tell my younger self to plan more, and adapt a business mind to my passion. As an artist, we can be blinded by our passion, and focus more on the end goal, rather than how we find our way there. This will help avoid wasted time and effort.

IR: What’s the meaning of your track “LMLY”?

AR: The meaning of “LMLY” is Let Me Love You. It’s the story of a female stuck in a relationship with no closure of whether her partner truly loves her. He is showing her all the signs that he is not fully committed to her, but “LMLY” sends the message that there is a better alternative.

IR: Are there any artists that inspired you?

AR: No specific artist, rather my older brother. Musically, I was always a fan of artists like Bob Marley, Lil Wayne, Usher, Jah Cure, Vybz Kartel, and many others.

IR: What are your plans for the rest of the year?

AR: We will continue to release singles and music videos leading up to the release of the EP. We will also stay flexible to pivot as things change on our journey and adapt to the demand of our listeners.

IR: Are you looking to stay independent?

AR: We will continue to stay independent in the immediate future as it allows us the freedom to make the music we envision without restrictions. In the long term, If a partnership with a major label makes sense, we will at least consider it if it’s the best decision for our growth.

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