Brother Sundance – Blind (Music Video)

Blind is about the end of a relationship — two people unsure of their feelings doing everything they can to find answers within themselves. The verses see my character asking the girl to stay. In the pre-choruses, she asks for time alone. The choruses see her wanting to keep him around, with the ‘blind eyes’ line referencing her being blind to his not being right for her. The video captures the aftermath of the song. She’s gone and I am left wishing I had never let her go. The reversed destruction of our motel room is meant to signify my regret and remorse, with my character upset he let his emotions get the best of him. It’s a bit of a mind game. The video does hold a few secrets, too. That’s all I say. We shot it all in one evening at a beautiful motel in Deland, Florida. It was an incredible day and I could not be happier with the results.

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